The Swan Valley

The Swan Valley is a forested mountain valley situated between the Bob Marshall Wilderness to the east and the Mission Mountain Wilderness to the west. This ecosystem sustains lynx, wolverine, grizzly bear, bull trout, elk, moose, goshawks and eagles. The Swan is also home to a wide variety of people ranging from homestead era residents to more recent migrants in search of a higher quality of life.


The Northwest Connections facility is located in the center of the Swan Valley approximately 90 miles north of Missoula and 70 miles south of Kalispell.  The property was a historic turn of the century homestead.  

Directions:  Just South of Hwy 83, Mile Marker 47 turn west onto Cold Creek Road.  Drive ¾ mile west on Cold Creek Road then turn right (north) onto Ed Road. Drive ½ mile down Ed Road:  this road dead-ends at the Barn and Kitchen.



Pictured above:  view from Northwest Connections; main building; bath house; cookhouse with evening alpenglow.

This satellite photo image of the Swan Valley shows the Mission Mountains Wilderness on the left (west) and the western edge of the Bob Marshall Wilderness on the right (east).  The checkerboard pattern of ownership across the valley bottom is typical of this area with alternating square miles of federal and corporate timber lands 



In this photo, the Swan Valley is shown  in the center of the map. The lavender patches represent grizzly bear linkage zones that link the two wilderness areas. These linkage zones were developed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service and are the only grizzly bear linkage zones (and actually the first wildlife linkage zones) in the United States.


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