Surveying roads in the Prospect Creek area.
November 10-12
Swan Mountains
Road Closure Monitoring
We will be driving and hiking in the Swan Mountains to verify road closures for wildlife and watershed security. This is an especially sensitive time of the year for our big-game species and soon-to-be hibernating bears. Many road closures are intended to provide security for these species at this time. Our data will be used by the USFS and Plum Creek Timber company to better understand how effective their road closures are in the Swan Valley.
12:00 p.m., Friday, November 10: Leave Eastgate Albertson's parking lot in MIssoula. |
1:30 p.m. - leave Wold's Market parking lot in Seeley Lake. |
Be prepared with a lunch &/or snacks to eat in the van on the way up to Condon. |
Work the rest of the day in the Swan Mountains with small groups of other observers. |
Saturday and Sunday will be full work days. |
3:30 p.m., Sunday, November 12: arrive back at Wold's in Seeley Lake. |
5p.m. - Arrive back at Eastgate Albertson's in Missoula. |
You will need to bring:
Equipment for car-camping. Click on "What to bring" for a complete list of all the items you will need to bring. |
Lunch for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Suggestions can be found under "What to bring." |
Wildlands Volunteer Corps
Sept 16-17
Oct 19-22
Sign Me Up!
What to bring
Indep. Study